Project Sponsors and Partners
We are immensely grateful to the support we have received by our sponsors and partners during the research, planning and developing phases. Their technical support, design assistance, and sponsorships has been invaluable in making this a truly innovative residential project.
Once the project is completed, we plan to showcase it via the events offered by both the American Institute of Architects Los Angeles chapter and the Passive House California. In these events, we will present the project, diving from the initial conceptual to the final design, covering the planning and development construction processes and discuss the product selection. We will invite our sponsors and partners to showcase and promote their products, provide brochures/samples, installation, and hands-on tutorial.
If you would like to join us in this exciting project, promote your product from an innovative design or environmental impact perspective, or both, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us via the contact page.